Save yourself from the END!!!
The world these days is gettin messed up by the day. Disasters is getting worst by the day, more and more disasters are popping up from no where to destroy humanity. Is it divine punishment from our Creator? Is it the work of aliens to mess us humans up to show that they have bigger balls than we do? Or just simply that a German kid got a voodoo doll of Earth and he keeps on shaking it untill the world in tumbling down as low as 4 of our IQ level.

I'm sure things like Global Warming, Tsunami, Terrorist Bombing, Turnip Poisoning, Rat Impregnation, tooth paste shortage, Radioactive Reptile attacking Tokyo City, A bunch of college students wearing pretty coloured suits to save the world with their cool giant animal Robots, Giants with eggs as eyes killing Monsters and flying to the sun, Weird ass people making out with trees, and alot more shit like that.
If this continues, the world will come to an end sooner or later. I'm sure that people are going to leave Earth and start to live in other planets, if you are choosing where to live. why not try... The Moon!!!
Moon Living Real Estate has decided to sell lands in the moon to people before Earth is destroyed and this piece of land you purchased will let you have a place to go to after Armagedon has happened.

-Base price: 500 USD per square inch.(negotiatable...NOT! unless you want to increase the price, we're down with that)
-Land size available from Gold Mine, Ok la and Cheap Bastard. (yeah! i'm talking to you)
-Fully furnished in Uranus
-Fries included if asked...
-If you call in to buy now, we will give you a new DICK...tionary.
call us at 1800-SCAAAAAM (yes, it has 5 As)
Love your family, provide them a future after the destruction of Earth. Start choosing your destiny... NOW!!!
It is never too early.
Life is good
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