Okay... Two days ago (well.. at least i think it is..) ... i fell bloody ill.. coughing to be exact.. Some you you penises out there might be thinking..
"awww~.. tis' phailure here must me dramatizing or what ever.."
But seriously.. if you were to cough uncontrollably for like 124123523412313512 times in a go (of course i'm exaggerating dumbass..).. you would call it seriously ill too..
maybe i coughed blood.. or maybe i'm just HOT...
(random much ?)
Anyways.. hearing the fact that a remedy actually exists is like music to the ears, or like butter to bread, or like cheese to uhm... paper bags ? NEVERMIND.. So i got this medicine from someone somewhere.. and it's in this curious little bottle, three actually..its no more than two inches high and approximately three centimetres in diameter.. and weighs a TON..
So i pulled the cap off the top..*pop* .. and peeked inside..
"WTF ?? Did that faggotdess give me a bottle of sand ?"
"What, am i supposed to eat SOIL to cure my sore throat ?"
But i still took it anyways..
And regretted...
Well.. the good thing about it is that i'm supposed to take it with water (thats as good as it gets..).. And the bad thing is... IT TASTED LIKE powdered chicken droppings.. or maybe.. MUDD.. Its sucked so hard that i actually spat it out.. and coming from a person who USED to pick rice from the floor.. thats saying something..
But still.. after twice the ordeal... i'm actually feeling better.. still coughing.. but much better... after three mugs of super chilled Coke and a bottle of iced piss called lemon tea, here i am again.. typing nonsense for your entertainment.. =.=
*cough cough*
"awww~.. tis' phailure here must me dramatizing or what ever.."
But seriously.. if you were to cough uncontrollably for like 124123523412313512 times in a go (of course i'm exaggerating dumbass..).. you would call it seriously ill too..
maybe i coughed blood.. or maybe i'm just HOT...
(random much ?)
Anyways.. hearing the fact that a remedy actually exists is like music to the ears, or like butter to bread, or like cheese to uhm... paper bags ? NEVERMIND.. So i got this medicine from someone somewhere.. and it's in this curious little bottle, three actually..its no more than two inches high and approximately three centimetres in diameter.. and weighs a TON..
So i pulled the cap off the top..*pop* .. and peeked inside..
"WTF ?? Did that faggotdess give me a bottle of sand ?"
"What, am i supposed to eat SOIL to cure my sore throat ?"
But i still took it anyways..
And regretted...
Well.. the good thing about it is that i'm supposed to take it with water (thats as good as it gets..).. And the bad thing is... IT TASTED LIKE powdered chicken droppings.. or maybe.. MUDD.. Its sucked so hard that i actually spat it out.. and coming from a person who USED to pick rice from the floor.. thats saying something..
But still.. after twice the ordeal... i'm actually feeling better.. still coughing.. but much better... after three mugs of super chilled Coke and a bottle of iced piss called lemon tea, here i am again.. typing nonsense for your entertainment.. =.=
*cough cough*

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