I HATE MICROSOFT and BILL GATES.. (i'm back !! )
Its been a long time since i last posted a blog.. and truth be told.. This one ain't a funny one though, cuz my "bastard juices" isn't working anymore.. i need time to "juice up"..
*pluck pluck*
Anyways.. As KY have mentioned.. My computer went crash-bang-boom not too long ago.. i'm not too sure if its because of a random act of nature or because i was bashing the CPU (because it was slow.. and laggy..) Either way, it went still.. and just turned off by itself.. At first, i thought it was just another common f**k up.. But i realised how "wery" wrong i was.. The doofBGag (a new word created by a dog coughing while chewing something..)did indeed turn on.. But it got stuck again..
and wouldn't start up..
Deciding to run a diagnostics test.. it was shown that there was a problem with some file or something.. And wat it was called made me laugh..
"MAXTHOR file: Fail" (or something like that)
So i did what i've always wanted to do.. Chuck heavy things at the CPU.. like for instance, the mouse, D sized batteries and last but not least.. the fan remote control.. did it help ?
What i achieved ?
Did i learn a lesson ?
What did i learn ?
Seriously ?
Bill Gates and dell are nitwits..
Oh and here are "some" pictures that i was supposed to post earlier on..
noo !! you cant be my father !! Noo~~~ (WTF)
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